9 Ways to Go Plastic Free in July
Plastic Free July is a movement to encourage you to reduce single – use plastic waste and while being mindful, discovering alternative and eco – friendly ways of daily living. From their website, they explain it as “a global movement that helps millions of people be a part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.”
Plastic pollution wreaks environmental and social havoc globally, particularly in countries like Vietnam, India, and China, where plastic waste has been carelessly dumped for years, with no real solutions on how to clean it up.
Research has found that single use plastic is the main contributor to overall plastic waste. Plastic pollution has a detrimental affect on the environment by contaminating our air, water, and soil, which negatively affects our food supplies.
For the month of July, our founder Aaliyah Bella Rose, has pledged to eliminating her consumption of single use plastics in the form of straws and plastic bags.
Keep reading for 9 ways you can go plastic free this month & moving forward!
9 Ways to Go Plastic Free in July
1. Soap
Ditch the liquid soap in plastic bottles and opt in for soap bars that are in plastic - free, recyclable packaging. Our handmade Artisan Soaps come in 100% recyclable soap boxes made from recycled cardboard.
2. Dental Care
Instead of using plastic toothbrushes and floss, try bamboo brushes and plastic - free floss. Cocofloss is a brand that offers toothbrushes made with 98% recycled plastic and dental floss made from 85% recycled polyester, sourced from plastic water bottles.
3. Sanitary Items
Sanitary items are usually made from plastic, but there are some innovative alternatives available on the market! One way to start is by searching for "plastic free tampons" or "plastic alternative sanitary pads".
4. Coffee Cups
Opt for plastic - free coffee cups, or even better - try reusable cups for on the go!
5. Plastic Free Bags
Most grocery stores today require plastic - free or reusable bags. When you go shopping this month try to use your reusable bags!
6. Bulk Products
There are stores that promote the zero - waste concept by selling products in bulk and encouraging you to use reusable containers when you shop. This reduces the single - plastic used to wrap products, and also reduces the plastic you use to carry products.
7. Plastic Straws
Plastic straws are a problem for the environment because they are typically too small to be processed at the landfills, thus they end up in the waterways or littered around on the ground. When they enter the waterways, they have the potential to harm the wildlife. Choosing eco - friendly straws or even reusable straws would be a good alternative!
8. Plastic Bottles
Plastic bottles and drink bottles are one of the most commonly used single - use plastics found in landfills and in the environment. Did you know that some of the largest global polluters are Coca Cola and Pepsi? Proctor and Gamble and Unilever are two others that produce products in plastic bottles.
To combat this, try using products that are in glass and reusable bottles. For beverage containers, try using your own reusable container.
9. Packaging
As a consumer consider the daily products you are buying and consuming. How much plastic are you actually having to throw away or recycle? What items come in plastic packaging?
Single - use plastic in the form of packaging is the single worst type of plastic pollution. These types of plastic are not able to be reused - consider the plastic wrapped around the food you purchased at the grocery store, or the wrapper that covered your protein bar.
This month, you can opt to not consume or purchase products in excessive plastic packaging.
These are just a few of the things you can try this month or even moving forward to reduce your plastic consumption. If we all chose to refuse one form of plastic everyday, we could really be on the path to substantially changing the current condition of the environment.
It's important to remember that recycling and refusing certain products does not eliminate the actual production of plastic. The true solution to the plastic crisis is eliminating plastic use or reducing the production of virgin (new) plastic.
For the month of July 2021, we can begin by being mindful and try to make small changes in our day to day lives - because "cumulatively small decisions, choices, and actions make a very big difference." (-Jane Goodall, Environmental Activist)